Review- Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth

Today I am going to be doing a review on Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth.
In the UK, it came out on the 17th January 2017 and purchased it just under a month later because it was written by the same author of Divergent.I bought it in Waterstones for £12.99 (this was three pounds off the original price of £15.99). 
It is about two characters, Akos and Cyra, who are from two different worlds, Shotet and Thuhve. Cyra lives in Shotet and is the sister of the sovereign, Ryzek. Akos lives in Thuvhe and is the son of an oracle. Both have gifts known as current gifts, Cyra's is to inflict pain and Akos' I will not mention because it is part of the story line. It follows them in their journey of survival and fighting against the one thing they both agree on...
I liked the fact that Veronica Roth goes into to so much detail in each of the situations that you forget that you are reading a book. I honestly don't know where the fandom is because there is nothing on Pinterest *sad face*.
I recommend this book to 13 years and over because it is quite violent.
Happy reading!
Girl with the cloud hair.

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