Book of the month- March

Hello to anyone who is reading!
I haven't done a book of the month in a while so I thought that I would do one today. My book of the month for March is... The Selection by Kiera Cass. So far I have read the first two in the series and I am loving it so far.
The Selection follows a girl named America Singer as she delves into the world of the royal family of Illea for a competition she does not want to win. This competition is to win the heart of the illusive Prince Maxon.
I thought this book was so good because the way Kiera Cass describes the settings and the clothes makes you feel as though you are actually there. My favourite character was probably Maxon because I liked the fact that not all of his past was given away too quickly and he remained quite a reserved character throughout the book. I loved America's character because she is not the typical dystopian female lead and (most of the time) thinks things through and considers the consequences of her actions before acting. I thought that Kiera Cass did an amazing job of putting across Aspen's character in the book because you felt his frustration and you wanted him to just leave completely because he just needs to not get in the way. I also liked the fact that where America lives and the palace feel like two completely different worlds.
I know that this review does not explain much but when I picked this book up the blurb was pretty vague and I found that a good thing because the whole book is like one big spoiler! This book took me less than 24 hours to complete. If you would like me to write a discussion-style blog with spoilers then please comment down below (because I can them fully fangirl)😊.
Book length: 327 pages
ISBN number - 978-0-00-746669-6

Happy Reading!
Girl With The Cloud Hair

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Twitter: @cloudhairgirl


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