Book of the month- The Girl Of Ink & Stars- by Kiran Millwood Hargrave.
Warning, the text that is coloured red may contain spoilers!
The orange paragraph is the summary of the story if you would like to skip forward.

Since it is the first day of the month, I have decided to do my favourite book that I read in June.

My book of the month is The Girl Of Ink & Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave.
"Each of us carries the map of our lives on our skin, in the way we walk, even in the way we grow"-Kiran Millwood Hargrave.

In my opinion, I quite liked the fact that the blurb does not give away the story so the rest is left to my imagination. The story is a perfect mix of adventure, friendship and true magic. My favourite character was Isabella, the daughter of Joya's cartographer, this is because she is courageous and caring towards others.

On the island of Joya many years ago in the town of Gromera lived a cartographer's daughter named Isabella. One day Isabella arrived at school with her best friend Lupe to find that it has been cancelled for some mysterious reason. Isabella thinks that Lupe has something to do with it. A day or two later Lupe disappears to prove Isabella wrong. Let the man-hunt commence...

I would recommend this book to 12+ years and readers who like the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. This would also interest people who like myth, mystery, magic and adventure.

My favourite part of the book was during chapter eighteen when Lupe (Isabella's best friend) and Isabella fall down into a pit behind a sacred waterfall while being pursued by a Tibicena (a dangerous monster that prowls the Forgotten Territories). This is because it is described in so much detail you feel as though you are underground with Lupe and Isabella.

Happy reading bookworms!
Girl With The Cloud Hair.


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