My favourite books of 2017

Hello readers!
Although I am a little bit late, I would like to talk to you about my favourite books of 2017. It is a mix between fiction and non-fiction. I feel that last year was a really good year of reading for me and I hope that 2018 is the same.

1.Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  My favourite book of 2017 was definitely Little Women. I think that it was so well written and I            think that  everyone can relate to a small bit of all the characters. My favourite character is almost certainly Jo. She is so relatable and inspiring to everyone (even though she did reject Teddy which is something I will never get over). I think everyone should read this book.

2.Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
  Passenger is my second favourite read of 2017 and probably the quickest too. I love history so I thought that I would read it and I highly recommend it to anyone even if they are not a big fan of history. I thought the fact that Alexandra Bracken covered so many different time periods was so good. They even went to "1776, New York City" (only Hamilton fans will understand *wink*).
Overall, I loved how all of the characters were presented and Etta and Nicholas were definitely my favourite.

3. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
   You may or may not know that I have already written a review on this book so I won't spend too long on it. Since writing that post I have finished the rest of the series and I am currently waiting for War Storm to come out (I NEED ANSWERS). I will write a review on King's Cage because I need to talk about "that" ending.

4. Dunkirk:The history behind the major motion picture by Joshua Levine
  The final book on my list is a non-fiction book. My favourite film of last year was actually Dunkirk. This book was really interesting because it looked at the event from different points of view and looked at the consequences and the causes of the evacuation itself.

Hope you enjoy! Comment down below if you want me to write a longer review on any of these books.
Girl With The Cloud Hair

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Twitter: @cloudhairgirl


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